Rogue - We all love killer crocs!

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Rogue (2007). How fast can you swim? What a tag line, if I saw this poster I would have put my nose up at it and branded it a border line B-Grade, but having nothing else on the dish to see, this killer croc movie pulled me in, I just needed to see who was going to survive or maybe how everyone is going to die!

What is it about monster films that we love so much? The unknown,  the freak of nature or experiment gone wrong, we all seem to watch films that involve something that is trying to wipe everyone out. We the audience love to see the carnage and feel hugely satisfied that at least one person survived the slaughter. Now don’t think you are above this natural instinct, everything from Night of the Living dead to Titanic has elements of the formula: ordinary people faced with extraordinary circumstances, and in most its some sort of life threatening blood crazy creature.

We just want to see the hero survive, let the rest die, it makes a great script, it makes the audience happy, it makes money.

Rotten Tomatoes: 100% (unbelievable - this is the rating at the time of the post - only from 12 reviews)

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