Goya's Ghosts - Based on a true story

| Posted in | Posted on 12:06 PM

Goya’s Ghosts (2006). It was late, I was tired but I did want to see what was going to happen. Goya is a well know painter who is entangled in a crazy time in Spain’s history. The Spanish Inquisition is coming to an end and Napoleon’s army is invading. The film takes you on a journey with the mindsets of the time, which are quite disturbing and absurd when compared to our current standards. Natalie Portman plays Francisco Goya’s muse, she is accused of heresy and locked up, the drama unfolds as her family (and eventually Goya) tries to help her.

I know very little about the Spanish Inquisition but now I feel I know the outline of what was going on. It’s amazing how a film can transfer knowledge; it’s also amazing how many people base their historical knowledge on films they have seen.

Can we trust a fictional film for historical facts? Or should we stick to the History Channel?

Most producers and directors have a sense of responsibility to people that lived in the times they are setting their films in to get it right, but at the same time they have a responsibility to make the film entertaining and often the adjustment of a fact is made to benefit the storyline or character. I think this type of adjustment is justified, and the line “Inspired by a true story”, should not be interoperated as “this is how it happened”

In Goya's Ghost, Francisco Goya turns deaf during the French Invasion, in actual fact he goes deaf much ealier.

Even the filmmakers’ point of view can skew the historical facts. Take Saving Private Ryan for example; if you knew nothing of WWII, after the film you might have the impression that America was the only ones fighting the Germans (this is true for many American war films).

So don’t throw away the history books just yet, and before getting in an argument about how America won the war, think about where you learnt your facts.

IMDB Stars: 7/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 29%

Get it: Take2

Total Recall - The Verhoeven formula: Blood, girls and Guts

| Posted in , , , | Posted on 1:16 PM

Total Recall (1990) is an absolute classic from the Dutch director Paul Verhoeven who is better known for Basic Instinct. Paul Verhoeven’s sci-fi /action style is quite unmistakeable: gore, girls and guns. If you liked Starship Troopers (1997) you will love this!

Total Recall was a great block buster film in the 90s which show cased many advances in computer graphics, makeup and other special effect fields. Today its available on Blu-ray and a must see. I must admit it has not aged incredibly well but that does not distract from the story line. It is a lot of fun to watch.

If you don’t feel like thinking too hard during a film and you are bored with the over produced special effects of today’s films take a look at Total Recall it’s a rollercoaster ride that no one should miss!

Let me know what you think of the film.

"If I am not me, then who the hell am I?"
IMDB stars: 7.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 79%

Pirate vs Prince

| Posted in | Posted on 9:59 AM

Ok so Disney seems to be making a killing out of The Pirates of the Caribbean so what’s next? How can they simulate the success of Jack Sparrow, one of the most memorable characters of 2000s? Simple... change, genre, actors, settings and time, keep style, quirkiness, humour and the good looking girl, add some awesome special effects and you got the next big thing: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

This one is going to be big at the box office, I’m holding thumbs that it’s going to be a worthy successor to Pirates of the Caribbean (not that they will stop with Pirates).

Starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Gemma Arterton

Rogue - We all love killer crocs!

| Posted in | Posted on 9:38 AM

Rogue (2007). How fast can you swim? What a tag line, if I saw this poster I would have put my nose up at it and branded it a border line B-Grade, but having nothing else on the dish to see, this killer croc movie pulled me in, I just needed to see who was going to survive or maybe how everyone is going to die!

What is it about monster films that we love so much? The unknown,  the freak of nature or experiment gone wrong, we all seem to watch films that involve something that is trying to wipe everyone out. We the audience love to see the carnage and feel hugely satisfied that at least one person survived the slaughter. Now don’t think you are above this natural instinct, everything from Night of the Living dead to Titanic has elements of the formula: ordinary people faced with extraordinary circumstances, and in most its some sort of life threatening blood crazy creature.

We just want to see the hero survive, let the rest die, it makes a great script, it makes the audience happy, it makes money.

Rotten Tomatoes: 100% (unbelievable - this is the rating at the time of the post - only from 12 reviews)

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